If I was to be honest about who influenced my writing and my fantasies about life and love, I would have to say Modesty Blaise. It is ironic that she is a pulp fiction character created by a man, that she could be mistaken for a male fantasy. But she was far from that. And if she was, it was a man very secure in his maleness to unleash a woman like her on the world. Modesty is stronger than most men, more resourceful, more wily, more – just about anything. And she is everything I am not – fabulous, an ex-criminal, a crack shot… and everything I have never actually wanted to be. I think. But she was an inspiration in a way that no one else, either real or imagined, ever was.
Her creator, Peter O’Donnell died this month. I never got the chance to say thank you to him, but if I had, I would say, thank you Mr.O’Donnell. For giving me such a role model. Not all role models are realistic, or even real. I need superheros. Modesty has always been with me, a woman with muscles and wit, principles and loyalty, honesty and wisdom, and spare change and Willie Garvin to boot!
Anytime anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I never said it out loud, but in my head, every single time without fail I would say, “Modesty Blaise”.