
Life is different back home – no elephants in the streets, nor even any dogs, with or without testicles. But, there was a fox limping down the driveway late last night. After all the chaos and events and activity, it is odd to be in such silence. There is, thankfully, a paucity of smells here. Bombay is particularly virulent in that area. That part of it we can all do without.

Started on what might become a book of short stories. 9 erratic stories. I think my dear editor may have meant, and may have preferred 9 erotic stories. Oh well.

And, a few photos of the event in Bombay – yes, it’s the same shirt, and yes, I am aware it is a fashion faux-pas. It’s a good color, however, and it is my friend Sheila’s shirt. So there.

With Prahlad

With Prahlad

Prahlad with guests

Prahlad with guests

Imam Siddique

Imam Siddique

Group photo after event

Group photo after event